Saturday, April 28, 2012

Breath and Think Positive

I gave myself plenty of time to make it to my acupuncture appointment. Luckily I found a parking place right away. I sat in my car for a few minutes, giving myself a minute to relax before I went inside. The street where I parked was lined with mature cherry trees. All of the blossom were falling like snow with each gust of wind. I had the window cracked just a bit for fresh air, blossoms were sneaking in the car and landing on my shirt. The blossoms were so heavy they covered my car and created drifts along the curb and sidewalk. It was a beautiful afternoon to be downtown. At least on the that stretch of street anyway.

The Dr. was all business today. I mentioned a few things I had forgotten to mention at our initial appointment. Like the stomach problems I have that is soothed only with fresh cabbage. She asked me if I received the Herbs she ordered? I have, then confirmed her warning that they tasted awful. Luckily it is just fine if I put some honey in the horrid mixture. The herbal mixture has a warming effect. I may have noticed some warming or it may have been that it was warm in Portland for the first time all year last week. Not sure. One thing that is for sure is that Friday night I had warm fingers and cold cheeks to the touch. Very uncommon for me.

She did some work on my abdomen area. I was able to relax  and concentrate on my breathing while on the warm table. I do get a little cold about half way through the treatment but the warming light she has pointed on my lower half helps keep me comfortable. I am expected to start my cycle today or tomorrow. She told me to come in if I get painful cramping. I laughed a little and said "Well, I will get painful cramps". She reminded me to think positive. Then I remembered two months ago when I did not have cramps and did not take any pain medication for the first time in my life for cramps. I was able to go for a hike and was just amazed how functioning I was while having my cycle. It was little taste of what it is like to be healthy. I realized it was possible. I reminded myself that that is why I am here to begin with and that the treatment I just had might help get me through this month just fine.  I am not feeling great today. I feel tired and a little off. I do have a anti-inflammatory in my pocket just in case.

This coming week I am going to concentrate on eating warm cooked food for every meal. Not using the microwave to re-heat my food and dressing appropriately for  the weather. I don't tend to do that now. When I am chilled I don't put on socks and a sweatshirt and when I am warm I don't take off my sweatshirt. I don't know why. For now I am off to put on some socks.

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