Since I got paid yesterday and since I had to go downtown for my first Acupuncture appointment. I stopped in at Sur Le Table and Anthropologie to pick up these little goodies. I am just in love with these Farmers Market Baskets and could not wait to show Destry. He will think they are cool also. There may be a conversation on where do I think I am going to store these when not in use. My plan is to just store them on the kitchen table with all of the other glass storage containers that I don't have room to store. Oooops
I finally found my way to the office after some driving and walking around lost. Long story but I blame Google maps voice assist. I was all hot a sweaty from being nervous and walking real fast. I stood at the counter trying to cool down in that warm office and not look like a winded, sweating crazy lady. I think I pulled it off pretty good. The first chance I got I went in the restroom and wiped my face down with a paper towel. Good as new.
The first thing I noticed about the Dr. besides the fact she did not look like the picture on her web-sight anymore was that she was bout 5-6 months pregnant. I felt excited for her. I have had more than a few ladies I know announce they are excepting this past year. Each time I have been genuinely happy and excited for them. I am so happy that I am able to celebrate the joy of expecting a new baby with the people around me. I am so glad that I am not bitter and jealous. For some reason my infertility feels separate from other pregnant women. I don't see pregnant women and see the would have, could have or should have. Also it gives me a chance knit, crochet and plan baby showers. Whoo Hoo
Apparently my case was easy to diagnose. General blood stagnation and lack of circulation. She feels hopeful that acupuncture and herbs will help relieve some of the PMS and cycle symptoms. It is hard for me understand that my normal is not medically normal and I may find relief with treatment. She explained that women with endometriosis have low immunity. In healthy women their immunity will attack the endometriosis before it can get out of control. She said that also explains the allergy symptoms I have. She sees that in women like me all the time. We will work on building my immunity.
I really liked her realistic approach. She made no promises and told me people respond differently but if I am going to respond well we will know after three months. She gave me hopeful message regarding my fertility. She saw no reason why I would not conceive once my body is functioning better. I have heard that so many times, from so many people that I made it clear I could not feed off that little bit of hope anymore. If I conceive then I will consider it a gift from god. Right now I want to be healthy and live a happy wonderful pain free life with my husband. She said she was sure she could help me with that.
She said that as long as you have ovaries, fallopian tubes and a uterus conception can happen. That babies don't want to live in a 3 start hotel they want to live in a 5 start hotel. So from now on I no longer accept any less for myself than 5 star treatment.
She had some interesting recommendations for me to try. Along with the herbs and liquid iron drops she suggests trying a gluten free diet even though I have tested and do not have a gluten intolerance. Sometimes it helps. I have to admit it sounds too complex and hellish to try so I disregarded it right off. (Come on Rachel think 5 star treatment.) Then she told me I should not eat any cold or raw food including ice cream! I asked. My body runs cold and as I understand it my body may not be able to adsorb the proper nutrients from my food if it is cold or raw. Something like that. It made sense at the time. The crazy thing is I really only like cold and raw food. I eat cooked food because it is served to me. Cold sandwiches and fresh veggies are my favorite. So I took a moment to picture what that would look like for me. She helped me work through it with a few ideas. I will give it my best and see how it goes.
I have had reservations in the past of trying alternative medicine. There are so many aspects of the treatment that work together. It is so easy to feel like you did something wrong with the treatment and that is why it did not work. I don't want to start blaming myself for not trying gluten free or having a glass of ice water or skipping a day of herbs for the treatment not working. Like in everything else I don't do anything that makes me miserable. If this starts to make me miserable I will try something else. Endometriosis makes me miserable so for now I am optimistic. More than optimistic, I believe this treatment works.
She had me hop on the table for my first ever acupuncture treatment ever. I was not prepared for treatment and told her so. I had not shaved my legs! She put me at ease but rest assured it will not happen again. I was surprised that I was anxious, like when I go for a lab draw. I told her so and she helped me relax by talking me through the process. Once the first needle went in I was good to go. Some hurt others were painless. Except for the needle in my left knee area. It smarted and did not stop. She just took the needle out after a few minutes, I had a little muscle spasm in that area afterword then it was fine.
I asked her after she took my pulse if she can tell if a women is pregnant by her pulse. She can, but never says so. There are many reasons for a false positive pregnancy pulse. As I lay there with needles poking out of my body trying to relax I thought about how I tried to read her body language as she took my pulse and as I asked her about it. I got a little tear that ran down my cheek. It is times like these when I know just how badly I want to be a mother.