Thursday, July 12, 2012

Babies First Pictures

4 weeks, Baby is size of a poppy seed.
6 weeks- Yolk Sack, Baby is the size of a lentil bean.
10 weeks- Babies head on the right. 
Those little spots over the body are arm and leg. 
Baby is the size of a kumquat.

Today we took the morning off from work for our 10 week appointment. I was scheduled to supply blood samples for our genetic testing and we scheduled out 13 week ultra-sound. At that point they will review all the test results together to determine our percentage of risk of having a baby born with disabilities.

I had to admit to Dr. Leigh that I was really anxious to find that everything was OK at this point. She agreed to do an ultrasound so we could see for our selves. At this point she was able to just put the ultrasound tool on my belly to see and measure the baby. We immediately saw a little black blob and a little baby body. But my fear made me blurt out "I don't see a heart beat." Dr. Leigh calmly said she needed to focus in first and when she did we could see a little flicker of a heart beat. 

Baby has a good strong heart beat and measure a full 11 weeks even though I am only 10 weeks and 4 days. Dr. assured me that at this point we would not change my due date. She said it like three times. I thought it was weird because I know exactly when I got pregnant and don't understand why three day growth difference at this point would change anything. 

It still seems unreal to me. I kept explaining on the ride to work my amazement that the baby was really there and growing. I really thought I would feel confident at this point to tell my friends at work. Yet, I found that I just reset my time line to after my 13 week ultrasound appointment. Maybe after a good night sleep I will feel more confident.

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