I was surprised how accepting I was with going forward with a CVS test. I had thought that I was fully prepared to have a child with disabilities without any intervention. When I found out that our baby showed physical signs of problems I immediately wanted to know what it was. I realized that it was much more complex than just imagining that we would love our baby no matter what. I imagined our baby could be like the cute Downs Syndrome kids you see bagging groceries at the store giving their co-workers high fives and say "Yah Buddy". Our baby could have serious heart or kidney problems. Our baby could have to have emergency surgery at the time of birth. Our baby could have organs growing outside of there body. We could have to delivery by cesarean do to the size of the growth. The list goes on. I feel it is important to know as much about our baby as we can right now so we can prepare and so the doctors helping us can have the best information available to treat our baby.
I was generally anxious about the appointment but I imagined the procedure would be similar to IUI. I checked in and went straight to the bathroom. Turns out I needed a full bladder for the procedure so they brought me a full glass of water and told me to drink. I felt bad for slowing them down because they really had to shuffle patients around to get me in this week. I lay there with everyone standing around me watching my bladder fill on the ultrasound screen. Finally the Dr gets started and inserts the speculum. OMG it hurt so bad Destry said I went white and thought I was going to pass out. I had her take it out, I shifted my pelvis down a little and we tried again. I think with a full bladder those muscles are so tight they just down't want to let go. I was fine after a minute. I would have stayed there for hours with a full bladder if we could continue to look at the baby on the screen. The Dr then said she dropped the cotton balls on the floor and would have to use the "scratchy" gauze pad to wipe off my cervix. I said, can't you get some more cotton balls. There has to be more cotton balls in this place. The nurse and assistant even commented at her description the the gauze pad. Turns out the gauze is not as "scratchy" as she described. I was able to see the catheter work it's way to my uterus on the screen and it was over before I new it. She showed me the sample and showed me what looked like good sample pieces. Then sent us to talk to the genetic counselor. She was quirky and sweet and told us nothing we didn't already know. I think her main goal was to discourage our request for the faster less reliable FISH testing. We conceded to wait the 2 to 3 weeks for the full results. Now we wait.
The baby was laying on it's side with it's back to us. We were not able to see the little legs and arms move around like last time. We did however get this super cool kind of weird little scull picture.
I was generally anxious about the appointment but I imagined the procedure would be similar to IUI. I checked in and went straight to the bathroom. Turns out I needed a full bladder for the procedure so they brought me a full glass of water and told me to drink. I felt bad for slowing them down because they really had to shuffle patients around to get me in this week. I lay there with everyone standing around me watching my bladder fill on the ultrasound screen. Finally the Dr gets started and inserts the speculum. OMG it hurt so bad Destry said I went white and thought I was going to pass out. I had her take it out, I shifted my pelvis down a little and we tried again. I think with a full bladder those muscles are so tight they just down't want to let go. I was fine after a minute. I would have stayed there for hours with a full bladder if we could continue to look at the baby on the screen. The Dr then said she dropped the cotton balls on the floor and would have to use the "scratchy" gauze pad to wipe off my cervix. I said, can't you get some more cotton balls. There has to be more cotton balls in this place. The nurse and assistant even commented at her description the the gauze pad. Turns out the gauze is not as "scratchy" as she described. I was able to see the catheter work it's way to my uterus on the screen and it was over before I new it. She showed me the sample and showed me what looked like good sample pieces. Then sent us to talk to the genetic counselor. She was quirky and sweet and told us nothing we didn't already know. I think her main goal was to discourage our request for the faster less reliable FISH testing. We conceded to wait the 2 to 3 weeks for the full results. Now we wait.
The baby was laying on it's side with it's back to us. We were not able to see the little legs and arms move around like last time. We did however get this super cool kind of weird little scull picture.