Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thank You

Donated to Kaiser in honor of our granddaughter Gemma Hope.
Love, Robin

We want to thank all who took the time to craft, donate and spread the word in honor of little Gemma Hope. We understand how hard and painful it may be to sit down and make these tiny little items for angel babies. That is why we are so appreciative that you were able to put your pain aside for a moment in honor of our daughter. These items bring such comfort to parents when faced with a situation beyond their control. These handcrafted items are especially wonderful because you know with out a doubt that they were made with love. Your lovingly handcrafted items will be treasured forever as something tangible to love and hold. To Gemma Hope's Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Sisters, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, Nieces and Nephews, friends and even strangers who love her.

Thank You

A special thank you to Marie, Andrew, Olivia and new baby for your generous donation to Chances Clothes Project. The dedication of their volunteers is an inspiration. The donations made monthly to local hospitals is truly amazing. Your donation will help insure they will be able to continue their work for time to come.

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